Brief History of US Open Martial Arts of SanShou

It’s been almost 30 years since the very first official US Open International Sanda/Sanshou fight in the US at the Mobile Convention Center where we showcased the skills of amazing fighters such as Cung Le, David Sanders and more. During these periods so many new events and changes have happened, such as the rise of MMA among other sports and entertainments. 

Sanda, developed from Kungfu like Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do, is a growing sport. Sanda’s popularity is on the rise, and together we will reignite the world’s interests in Sanda. The exciting new era of Sanda is coming. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

The US Open Kung Fu Challenge is unlike any other MMA sport, as it incorporates full body contact with greater freedom to use all styles of combat skills. It is a very exciting combat style for audiences to watch. Fighters are allowed to apply techniques of punching, kicking, kneeing, throwing, interception and wrestling with limited grappling.

To celebrate Sanda’s presence in the US for almost 30 years, the Shaolin Chan Foundation, Cung Le and Shaolin Institute, along with many other organizations and friends, will host and sponsor this KSF-US Open Kung Fu Challenge, and will bring many more US Open Kung Fu Challenge events in years to come. 

Brief History of KSF US Open Kung Fu & Sanda Challenge Tournament | KSF US Open
Cung Le Fighting at KSF US Open Kung Fu & Sanda Challenge Tournament | KSF US Open Challenge

Since 1994, our US Open International Martial Arts Championship has had many world class matches. Several international fighters and superstars started their professional careers by participating in these events.  International teams from four continents, including the South Africa Sanshou Team, the Egyptian team, and European teams from Portland, Italy and Holland have competed in these events.

From Asia, the championships have seen the China Special Police team and China National Team. From Central and South America, participants have included the Brazilian Sanshou Team, Argentina Sanshou team, Mexican Sanshou team, and participants from many other Pan American countries. 

The US Open International Martial Arts Championship has presented many world class fighters. MMA Champion and World Sanda and MMA Champion, Cung Le, who started his first Sanda/Sanshou competition in Mobile, Alabama, has won three consecutive US Open International Championship titles. 

UFC fighter and World Sanshou Silver Medalist, Patrick Barry, has won the US Open and K. Superstar competitions for both US and world championship titles in the “KSF-Art of War” production three times.

UFC fighter Melvin Guilard won a silver medal in the 2003 US Open national team trial and the 2004 US Open International Martial Arts Championship title in the lightweight division. 

World Kickboxing Champion Rudi Ott had won US Open International Sanda/Sanshou Fighting Championships before he became a US team member and professional fighter. 

J.  Noon International Sanshou and MMA Championship fighter won the International K. Superstar professional titles twice at the battle of “Art of War” in the US Open International Sanshou division. 

Sanda King, the first Sanshou/Sanda World Cup Champion Li Jie won the 2004 US Open International Martial Arts Championship-K. Superstar professional main event title by defeating UFC fighter Rich Clementi.

Wael Karika Muhammed, World Sanshou Champion, Africa Sanshou Champion and undefeated MMA Champion won the 2007 US Open International Sanshou Championship and was seated in 2nd place at the “KSF-Art of War” production of the US Open International. 

One of the best and most known pioneers of Sanda fighters and coaches in the US Jason Yee has led his team to the US Open and won many champion medals.

Competitor Registration

This is a special event that gathers not only some of the most well-known original US Sanda/Sanshou team members and masters but also many younger fighters and coaches who have participated in our Sanshou/Sanda events in the US for the past 30 years, according to the director of the event.  

There are 3 major US Open fighting divisions besides light contacts.
A: Advanced Division
B: Beginner Division
N: Novice Division

Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Light Sparring Registration

KSF US Open Sanda/Sanshou Registration | KSF US Open Kung Fu & Sanda Challenge

Sanda/Sanshou Registration